
Free to worship God

Free to worship God When it come to salvation, there's only one way. Jesus said,I am the way ' (John 14:6). But when it comes to worship, there are many way. Each generation discover the same thing: The music that turns grandchildren on, turns  grandparents off. So let's stop arguing over personal preference when it comes to the worship style we enjoy. They all sang a new song to the Lamb... ''every, tribe, language, people and nation'' (Revelation 5:9). We all worship the same Lord, and the only thing he

Powerful Ways to Hear From God

1. Through His Word The Word of God is at the top of the list. God’s words are powerful. They can create something out of nothing – take Genesis chapter 1, which describes how God spoke and things were created. The unseen was brought into the seen world. We have an abundance of written material available to us – the most that there has been in history. From printed books, magazines, blogs and digital books. We are inundated with the written word. With so many words available, it is easy to treat The Word as one of the many options for our soul food. We need to continually remind ourselves that The Word of God (The Bible) is not just a collection of 66 books but an “integrated message system…which is outside our dimensions of space and time.” (Chuck Missler) Reading, meditating and praying the Word has the power to change our mindsets, emotions and circumstances. It is truly our soul food. If we don’t fill ourselves up with God’s Word/food we will instinctively look for soul food els...
The Significance of Christmas Christmas is an annual festival commemorating   the birth   of   Jesus Christ. The Significance of Christmas is equally known to men, all over the world. Though it is true that Christmas is celebrated as the day of the   Birth of Christ   into this world, yet it also symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Jesus Christ is the very personification of Divinity. He was born at a time when ignorance, superstition, greed, hatred and hypocrisy prevailed upon the land. Purity was forgotten and morality was neglected. In the midst of these conditions, Christ was born and He worked a transformation in the lives of people. He gave a new and a spiritual turn to the lives of man. There came a change upon the land. People started upon a new way of life. Thus a new era dawned for the world. In that period the seeker has no thought of God or higher spiritual life. He lives a life of lust, anger, greed, delu...

How to worship God

Free to worship God When it come to salvation, there's only one way. Jesus said,I am the way ' (John 14:6). But when it comes to worship, there are many way. Each generation discover the same thing: The music that turns grandchildren on, turns  grandparents off. So let's stop arguing over personal preference when it comes to the worship style we enjoy. They all sang a new song to the Lamb... ''every, tribe, language, people and nation'' (Revelation 5:9). We all worship the same Lord, and the only thing Asks is a sincere heart. That's the case whether it's country, rap, Calypso, or high church organ music. God doesn't require us to express our love for Him in identical ways, but He does require us not to pass judgment on how others do it. When the Bible says, 'They all sang a new song to the Lamb; do you seriously think they all had the same music style? The great spiritual awakening that took place under the Wesley brothers and gave birth...