Powerful Ways to Hear From God
1. Through His Word
The Word of God is at the top of the list. God’s words are powerful. They can create something out of nothing – take Genesis chapter 1, which describes how God spoke and things were created. The unseen was brought into the seen world.
We have an abundance of written material available to us – the most that there has been in history. From printed books, magazines, blogs and digital books. We are inundated with the written word. With so many words available, it is easy to treat The Word as one of the many options for our soul food. We need to continually remind ourselves that The Word of God (The Bible) is not just a collection of 66 books but an “integrated message system…which is outside our dimensions of space and time.” (Chuck Missler)
Reading, meditating and praying the Word has the power to change our mindsets, emotions and circumstances. It is truly our soul food. If we don’t fill ourselves up with God’s Word/food we will instinctively look for soul food elsewhere. This could be emotional eating, drugs, materialism, worldly “feel good” opinions etc.
Believe that every morning when you open up your Bible App or your physical Bible, the words that you read and digest hold power – they are seed that if planted in a heart that is expecting God to speak and act will produce a powerful effect on your life.
2. Through Conversations with Other Believers
For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. - Romans 1:11-12 ESV
We are created to communicate – a spirit that speaks. God created us that way. When believers get together and share their personal experiences with God – how He speaks to them and answers to prayer – something happens in our spirits. We become strengthened in our inner selves. As Paul wrote in Romans, we are mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. I don’t think this happens enough. We expect a church program to fill this gap but we miss the opportunity for regular encouragement.
I am so grateful that I have people in my life who are open to having these types of conversations. If you don’t, pray about it. Ask God to bring along someone who you can share your faith experiences with and listen to theirs. It may be that there is someone in your life already but you both have been talking about everything else and God hasn’t featured. Why do we not talk about God? I find myself falling into this trap also.
3. Through Nature
For his (God’s) invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made… - Romans 1:20
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